(An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission)




Prof. Sanchayeeta Borthakur

Arizona State University, USA
How Big Are the Gas Disks of Galaxies and What do They Tell us About the Pathways that Feed Galaxies?

Galaxy growth is an active but slow process. For galaxies to maintain a gas disk at the current epoch after billions of years of converting gas into stars, there must be a pathway for new gas to feed the disks. However, detecting gas flows into galaxies is hard as the gas is faint and slow-moving. One of the most promising regions in the search is the disk-halo interface, where new data uncover signs of gas condensation. In this talk, I will discuss the results from our ongoing DIISC (Deciphering the Interplay between the ISM, Stars, and the CGM) survey, which probes the disk-CGM interface with QSO sightlines. I'll discuss our findings of large extended disks in terms of the signpost of gas accretion and galactic feedback. I will also discuss the prevalence of structures similar to high-velocity clouds and extra-planar gas that are observed in the Milky Way. These gaseous structures represent a pathway for gas accretion into galaxies and can be one of the primary ways galaxy disks grow in the nearby Universe.

IUCAA Lecture Hall, Bhaskara 3
August 17, 2023, 16:00 hrs.