(An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission)




Dr. Sumit Kumar

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (AEI), Germany
Probing Large-Scale Structures of the Universe with Multi-Messenger Observations

The growing catalogue of Gravitational Waves (GW) mergers offers an independent cosmological probe. The third-generation (3G) Gravitational wave (GW) detectors, such as the Cosmic Explorer and Einstein telescope, are expected to detect thousands of GW merger events per year with a localization area of less than a degree square. At the same time, contemporary electromagnetic surveys such as the Vera C Rubin Observatory and Square Kilometer Array will also provide us with enormous data. In this talk, I will review methods for using GW observations to study background cosmology and LSS and discuss effective strategies for combining data from galaxy surveys and GW merger catalogues. I will show that 3G detectors will enable us to probe the large-scale structure (LSS) features – such as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and clustering bias — solely from the GW observations. Furthermore, analyzing the redshift-dependent evolution of LSS features could help us understand the connection between compact binary formation and structure formation.

IUCAA Lecture Hall, Bhaskara 3
June 6, 2024, 16:00 hrs.