Application for the post of Scientific Trainee (SUIT/Aditya L1) Project (Advertisement No.: 02/2025)
Before filling up the application form, kindly read the following instructions:
Please ensure that you have all the necessary information and documents ready with you before you start filling in the application.
Please ensure that you have Curriculum vitae (Resume) in *.pdf format ready with you, before you start filling in the application.
Please restrict the size of the Curriculum vitae (Resume) file to be uploaded to 20MB.
Once you submit the application, you will not be able to retrieve the application for printing/ editing / reference. After successful submission of online application, candidates shall receive an auto-generated acknowledgement on the email address mentioned in an online application (check SPAM folder in case you do not find in email Inbox). Candidates who have submitted “Online application” only shall be considered for the selection process.
The last date for receipt of applications is February 28, 2025. Please avoid last minute rush and try to submit your application well before the last date.
Please click here for viewing the advertisement and further details.
In case of any administrative query, please send an email to
In case of any technical query, please send an email to
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