Locating noise-dominated data in quadrant 0 : Time totcounts fraction : 193437617.0 2290 0.949 Total number of 1 second bins: 17604 Bins with >0 counts : 14058 Bins with >2000 counts : 1 1 of 1 high count rate bins were dominated by noise Noise dominated 0.01% of total time, 0.01% of detector on time (defined as non-zero counts) Locating noise-dominated data in quadrant 1 : Time totcounts fraction Total number of 1 second bins: 17604 Bins with >0 counts : 14060 Bins with >2000 counts : 0 0 of 0 high count rate bins were dominated by noise Noise dominated 0.00% of total time, 0.00% of detector on time (defined as non-zero counts) Locating noise-dominated data in quadrant 2 : Time totcounts fraction : 193440001.0 2095 0.961 : 193440004.0 2233 0.989 : 193450343.0 2211 0.959 Total number of 1 second bins: 17604 Bins with >0 counts : 14060 Bins with >2000 counts : 3 3 of 3 high count rate bins were dominated by noise Noise dominated 0.02% of total time, 0.02% of detector on time (defined as non-zero counts) Locating noise-dominated data in quadrant 3 : Time totcounts fraction : 193445003.0 2003 0.945 : 193445004.0 2196 0.959 : 193445006.0 2427 0.972 : 193445007.0 2218 0.977 : 193445009.0 2241 0.963 : 193445010.0 2356 0.976 : 193445011.0 2280 0.976 : 193445014.0 2324 0.978 : 193445015.0 2488 0.982 : 193445016.0 2124 0.978 : 193445020.0 2063 0.985 : 193445026.0 2199 0.968 : 193445035.0 2112 0.973 Total number of 1 second bins: 17604 Bins with >0 counts : 14059 Bins with >2000 counts : 13 13 of 13 high count rate bins were dominated by noise Noise dominated 0.07% of total time, 0.09% of detector on time (defined as non-zero counts)