Locating noise-dominated data in quadrant 0 : Time totcounts fraction : 365608135.0 2238 0.950 : 365612832.0 2255 0.965 : 365612833.0 2204 0.973 : 365612851.0 2148 0.942 : 365612863.0 2106 0.963 : 365612868.0 2235 0.967 : 365612874.0 2141 0.962 : 365613017.0 2132 0.939 : 365613019.0 2048 0.985 : 365613021.0 2313 0.971 : 365613028.0 2231 0.967 : 365613030.0 2098 0.941 : 365613032.0 2016 0.973 : 365613686.0 2277 0.947 Total number of 1 second bins: 11454 Bins with >0 counts : 7170 Bins with >2000 counts : 14 14 of 14 high count rate bins were dominated by noise Noise dominated 0.12% of total time, 0.20% of detector on time (defined as non-zero counts)