Gravitational Waves

I have been interested in the theoretical aspects of gravitational wave detection and observation. The major component of my work is in the data analysis of gravitational wave signals embedded in the noise of the detector. The aim is to extract the signal from the noise. Also I have been interested in theoretically modelling the laser interferometric detector mainly concerning its optics. Below I describe briefly some of the work.

The idea is to use a targeted search for the stochastic background.  By using a directed filter for a fixed direction in the sky with a varying time-delay incorporated into the cross-correlation of signals between two detectors, the SNR accumulates over time.  This is done for each independent fixed direction in the sky. We then obtain a map of the sky gravitational wave stochastic background. The  map  is not clean because a point source gets spread into either a eight or a tear drop depending on the relative latitude - these are the point spread functions for different directions. Sanjit Mitra and the group has been able to deconvolve the sky map for injected signals  in Gaussian noise.  Work is in progress in order to improve the methodology.