Document Delivery Service: New
Approach to Fulfill User Demand: A survey among the service providers for
pricing structure by Vijay Kumar Rai, proceeding of the NACLIN - 2004, pp 119
- 131.
Information dissemination: User's expectations and role of librarian's in special libraries by Sandeep Pathak,
Vijay Rai and Umesh Sahu proceedings of the IASLIC XXIV, 2003.
Public Outreach in Astronomy: The IUCAA library as a facilitator by Vijay Rai accepted in international conference of LISA V: Common Challenges, Uncommon Solutions: ASP Conference Series, Vol. 377, 2007, pp. 249 �
Importance of Digital Libraries in Present Scenario by Sandeep Kumar Pathak Vijay Rai proceedings of the NCIMDiL 2006; pp. 173 - 178.
Digital Libraries: Changes and Challenges by Vijay Rai Sandeep Kumar Pathak Proceedings of the NCIMDiL 2006; pp. 257 - 260.
Proper Content Management to the Library Web Site: Evaluation of all IIT's Library websites" by Sandeep Pathak, Mita Pal and Vijay Rai Proceeding
of the International Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions (CALIBER) 2008; pp 353 - 359.
Virtual Library: An evolution of Online Astronomy and Astrophysics Resources for Astronomers by Vijay
Kumar Rai, Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Vol. 433: Library and Information Services in Astronomy VI (LISA VI): 21st
century astronomy librarianship: From new ideas to action 14 � 17 February, 2010 p. 348.
Use of Electronic Journals in Astronomy and Astrophysics Libraries and Information Centres in India: A Librarians� perspective by S K Pathak, Neela J. Deshpande, Reader, Vijay Rai
Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Vol. 433: Library and Information Services in Astronomy VI (LISA VI): 21st century
astronomy librarianship: From new ideas to action 14 � 17 February, 2010 p.336