Sanjeev's Home page
About Me
Sanjeev Dhurandhar
Contact Info
Sanjeev V. Dhurandhar
IUCAA, PostBag 4,
Ganeshkind, Pune - 411007
E-mail: |
Fax: |
**91 - 20 - 25604699
Telephone: |
**91 - 20 - 25604123 (office)
- Research Interests
My research interest since 1987 has been in the
detection/observation of gravitational waves, their data analysis, the
modelling of gravitational wave detectors. My most beautiful
(Note the word beautiful) work has
been on the algebraic approach to time-delay interferometry for LISA
which made use of the module of syzygies - which is a module over the
polynomial ring of time-delay operators. For this, I am grateful to
Himanee Arjunwadkar who guided me to the relevant mathematics
of Grobner bases. The other work in my opinion which I find
beautiful is with Massimo Tinto, JPL on the application of group
representation theory to the antenna patterns of a network of
arbitrarily oriented gravitational wave detectors. I strongly feel that
both of these works have artistic value - then in
my opinion, the scientific value follows as a necessary consequence.
In the first case, the polynomial vector "explains" why and how the
laser frequency noise cancels out in the data combination belonging to
the module of syzygies.
started my career with general relativity and was very interested in
thermodynamics of blackholes. These are my serious
research interests. Besides, for fun, I have also dabbled in fractals,
graph theory and the four colour problem. Here I will only briefly
describe my work on gravitational waves.
The Gravitational Wave Group
Several research students, post-docs and core staff members at
have contributed to this activity. Besides these there has been vital
inputs from our collaborators abroad. Researchers from Indian
universities have
also contributed with enthusiasm. Click here for