Abstract Submission [NOW CLOSED]
Abstract submission opens: July 15, 2019
Abstracts can be submitted either as a poster or an oral presentation. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
The abstract can be submitted in any one of these sessions:
- Facilities for Solar Astronomy: Present and future plans (by invitation)
- Solar Magnetic Field: Generation, evolution and impact on Solar irradiance
- MHD Processes in the Solar Atmosphere
- Flare, CMEs and Space Weather including interplanetary B-field
- Origin and Acceleration of Solar Wind
- Big Data Challenges for Solar Physics
- Public outreach (by invitation)
Please submit your abstract along with the registration form.
Reviewing process
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Organizing Committee. A notification on the abstract (either oral, poster or rejected) will be sent to the participants by the end of October 2019.
Financial support
A financial support in terms of 'registration waver and accommodation' will be given to Ph.D. students and early career researchers. Please note that a limited travel grants are available only for Indians (restricted mainly to participants from Universities).
The deadline for travel grant application is September 29, 2019 (same as the abstract submission deadline). Applicants will be informed by end of October 2019 regarding the acceptance of their registration and grants including accommodation at the guest house.
Poster presentation
Details on poster format will be made available shortly.