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Scientific Packages developed by Me

Download Flagcal here


  1. Generating Unoform Random numbers using GSL
  2. Generating Gaussian Random numbers using GSL
  3. Binning of data for histogram using GSL
  4. A PGPLOT program for plotting Histogram
  5. computing the inverse of an Upper Trinagular Matrix using LAPACK/BLAS
  6. computing the inverse of a general squre matrix using LAPACK/BLAS
  7. A program to compute the determinant of a matrix using GSL
  8. A program to compute the eign values & eign vectors of a matrix using GSL
  9. A simple C program to generate passwords !

Matrix Operations

Here are some of the programs I written to find determinat, eign values, svd decomposition and inverse of square matrices. In most cases the input and output is in the form of '.mat' files, which are basically ascii files with first row having the number of rows/colums the matrix have followed by the rows. These programs use gsl and lapack/blas and you will need to find out how to link those on your computer.

  1. Compute Determinant
  2. Compute Eign Values
  3. Compute Inverse
  4. Matrix Multiplication
  5. SVD Decomposition


Fast Fourier Transformation in West (FFTW) is a powerful FFT package which is quite useful in problems related to signal processing and data analysis. Here I have put some example programs in C for one, two and three dimensional Fourier transformation of the data (real in my case). Every example program not only produces a Fourier transformation (output file out_*d.out), it also does the inverse fourier transformation (output file rec_*d.out) in order to check the answers. You can plot the output files and input files using GNU plot. In the present case the data is created with a signal which has two harmonics which can be directly seen by plotting the output file.

Apart from three examples programs, there is a program for computing the frequency spectrum of the FFT and one program for creating the input data for example programs. You can download all the programs here or download the individual programs below.

  1. One dimensional FFTW
  2. Two dimensional FFTW
  3. Three dimensional FFTW
  4. Program for creating input data
  5. Program for creating FFT frequncy spectrum

Other Donwloads

  1. Numerical Mathematics and Computing
  2. Source Codes in Fortran90


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This document was last modified on 02/27/2017 10:10:56