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Jayanti Prasad
System Administrator (Project) LIGO Data Centre Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) Pune University Campus Pune - 411007 Phone: +91-(20)2560-4306 (Off) Email: jayanti [AT] iucaa.in prasad dot jayanti [AT] gmail dot com |
Welcome to Jayanti Prasad's homepage hosted at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) Pune, India . After working at the Centre for Modeling and Simulation (CMS), Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) for one year as a DST-SERB (Young Scientist) Fellow, I moved to IUCAA as a system administrator for the LIGO Data Centre in July 2016. Before CMS, I was a post doc at IUCAA for five years (2010-2015) with Prof. Tarun Souradeep. After my Ph.D in Astronomy & Astrophyics with Prof. Jasjeet Singh Bagla, from the Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) Allahabad in 2009, I also did two years post-doc at the National Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (NCRA) Pune with Prof. Jayaram Chengalur.
Apart from having research interests in Cosmology (Large Scale Structure, Galaxy formation, Cosmic Microwave Background or CMB, Early Universe Physics), Radio Astronomy and Gravitational Waves, I am also interested in High-Performance Computing (HPC), High-Throughput Computing (HTC), Grid Computing, Artificial Intelligence and setting up and Managing Linux Clusters, Science Popularization, Teaching and Blogging.
I have also developed a code named FLAGCAL for automaticaly Flagging and Calibrating Radio-Interferrometric Data from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT). You can find the paper describing the code here . I have also implimented an Artificial Intelligence Inspired Algorithm named Particle Swarm optimization for Cosmological Parameters estimation from CMB data. You can find the paper describing this work here . If you are interested in Cosmological Parameter Estimation you may want to check this also.
I am also a member of LIGO-VIRGO Collaboration who have made ground breaking discovery of gravitational waves in 2016 which has been widely covered by media. You can find the discovery paper here . A popular account of the discovery can be found here . This discovery has attracted many awards including the 3 million dollar special brekthrough prize 2016 .
Apart from describing my research work, this page will also have links for the codes, tutorials, programs I have written for Linux, HPC, and astronomical data analysis. In particular you may want to check my AIPS tutorial and Linux Page.
If you would like to explore more please use the navigation bar at the top to jump into page of your interest. Write to me in case you have comments, suggesstions, feedback or just want to say Hi. In case you want to quickly check my research please click here . Thank you for your patience for reading all this boring stuff !
This document was last modified on 02/27/2017 10:11:03
The background image is of the NASA's Hubble Ultra Deep Field .