Welcome to my Message Passing Interface (MPI) page. MPI is one of the most common libraries (API) used for parallel programming on clusters and distributed systems of computers. In a cluster or distributed system of computers every processor has its own memory and if any other processor which is connected to it by high speed network wants to get some variable then that is done using message passing for which MPI is used. Writing and running an MPI program is quite tricky in comparison of to an OpenMP program. One of the main reasons behind this is that the programs are run & executed differently on different systems. In fact in some cases there are dedicated compilers (well not exactly) for that. Here, I will present compilation and execution example for the NCRA cluster (hp). In place of going too much in explaining what MPI is and what MPI does let me give you the hello world ! program.

Example 1


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int rank, size, len;

 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);

 MPI_Get_processor_name(name, &len);
 printf ("Hello world! I'm %d of %d on %s\n", rank, size, name);



Copy this program in a file named hello_world.c or download and compile it in the following way (on NCRA hp cluster may be on node 1)

mpicc hello_world.c
create a new file and write the name of machines (n1,n2 etc.) in that file and save that as HOST.LIST and after that execute your a.out as
mpirun -hostfile HOST.LIST ./a.out
If you are lucky you will get something like
Hello world! I'm 2 of 3 on n3
Hello world! I'm 0 of 3 on n1
Hello world! I'm 1 of 3 on n2
by the way my HOST.LIST file was as

Note that it is not necessary to use a dedicated MPI compiler like "mpicc" or "mpif90" for compiling a MPI code, any other compiler will do the job. However, you will need to note that following things. Give the location of the directory where you have "mpi.h" using "-I" commmand. For example, if you have that in "/data/mpi/include" and your compiler is "gcc" then use the following:

gcc hello.c -I/data/mpi/include

The above is not enough. In this case you will need to give the path of your MPI library (if it is not in the path). For example, if that is in "/data/mpi/lib" use:

gcc hello.c -I/data/mpi/include -L/data/mpi/lib -lmpi -lm 

It still may not work and you may need to linke other libraries also like "libgfortran" or any other related to your compiler or you may need to link other libraries in MPI libraries which are specific to various compiler. In any case you can always run your MPI program without having root password or taking any help from system admin. You can install your own copy of MPI in your home area. I have done it and it works ! Below is the my mpi compilation on IUCAA's cetus cluster with

/data1/pdf/cjayanti/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/bin/intel64/ifort -I/opt/hpmpi/include/   -L/opt/hpmpi/lib/linux_amd64 -lmpi  test.f90 

If you are not able to run your hello world program then stop here and check with your system admin otherwise move forward.

Every MPI program must use "mpi.h" header which basically define various MPI functions and variables. If you are not using a compiler which is made for mpi like mpicc you may need to link available libraries when you compile and/or run your executable. One very important thing to note is that in order to run your MPI program you must have permission to login from one machine to another on the cluster without any need of password. If you do not know know that ask some expert. Now let me explain the hello world program.

Every MPI program must begin with calling the function MPI_Init which interpret various options you may give at run time and if the call is successful it returns 0. The call MPI_Comm_rank gives back an integer "rank" which is the unique identification number of every processor which can be used to distribute the job. The processors with rank 0 is called the master node and play an important role in coordinating other processors. The third call MPI_Comm_size returns an integer (size) which gives us the total number of processors being used (basically the number of processors we have put in our HOST.LIST file). The next call MPI_Get_processor_name returns us the names of processors. The last call of any MPI program is always MPI_Finalize() . At this stage we do not need to bother about MPI_COMM_WORLD (which provides the space of processors which can communicate) and the variable status which tells us abut the success and failure of the call. By the way these two variables will be present in almost all the calls.

Example 2

The following program ( download ) computes the value of pi by numerically integrating 1/(1+x2) between 0 and 1


 -   This program computes the value of pi by integrating 
     1/(1+x^2) over the limit [0-1]

-    You can use either the Trapazoidal rule or the Mid Point rule for 
     integration by uncommneting the respective line.

-    This is a demonstration program so ignore accuracy if you do not get the 
     expected result debug ! the program.   

                      -- Jayanti Prasad 

double func(double x);
double TrapzoidRule(int, double, double);
double MidpointRule(int, double, double);

int main(int argc, char ** argv){
  int mynode,totalnodes;
  const double global_a=0.0;
  const double global_b=1.0;
  double local_a,local_b,local_sum,answer;
  int level=20;
  double t1,t2; 

    printf("The answer is:%2.14f\n",answer);
}// end of main 

double func(double x){
   double y;
}// end of func 

double TrapzoidRule(int level, double a, double b){
  int i,j,nsteps;
  double h, sum;
  j= (int) pow(2.0,level);
  nsteps= j-1;
   for(i=1; i<=nsteps;i++)
   return (sum);

double MidpointRule(int level, double a, double b){
  int i,j,nsteps;
  double h, sum; 
  j = (int) pow(2.0,level);
  nsteps= j-1;
  for(i=0; i <= nsteps;i++)
  return sum;

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This document was last modified on 02/27/2017 10:11:05