N-Body Codes

Particle Mesh (PM) Code

TreePM code


Gadget 2 is Nbody codes which can take into account the dynamics of dark matter particle as well as gas using N-Body gravity solver and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. In this code gravitaional force on particles is computed hybrid Tree-Partcile-Mesh (TreePM) algorithm. This code was developed by Volker Springel and you can find more about the code here .

A very good introduction about how to run Gadget2 is given in user guide and there are many other tutorials avaliable online. Here my aim is just to help you to make Gadget2 run on your Linux cluster and have a quick look at the output for the simplest case.

In this tutorial I will discuss the four main steps which are needed to run Gadget2 and have a look at the out put.

  1. Install the following packages: (1) GSL (2) FFTW2 (3) MPI (4) HDF5 .

    In order to see which packages are used see the following section of the Makefile of the Gadget2

    CC       =  /opt/hpmpi/bin/mpicc
    OPTIMIZE =  -O3
    GSL_INCL =  -I/data1/pdf/cjayanti/Software/gsl/include
    GSL_LIBS =  -L/data1/pdf/cjayanti/Software/gsl/lib
    FFTW_INCL=  -I/data1/pdf/cjayanti/Software/fftw2/include
    FFTW_LIBS=  -L/data1/pdf/cjayanti/Software/fftw2/lib
    MPICHLIB =  -I/opt/hpmpi/include/include  -L/opt/hpmpi/lib/linux_amd64/  -lmpi
    HDF5INCL =  -I/data1/pdf/cjayanti/Software/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.5-linux-static/include
    HDF5LIB  =  -L/data1/pdf/cjayanti/Software/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.5-linux-static/lib -static -lhdf5 -lz

  2. Create initial condition files
  3. Download the NGenIC package and edit its Makefile and input parameter file both of which have have enough comments. This package also need the same software which are needed by Gadget2 - in particular FFTW2 (which has MPI support but it is quite hard to install !). For my 256 cube dark matter partcile in 512 cube box I have the following input parameter file

    Nmesh            512       % This is the size of the FFT grid used to
                               % compute the displacement field. One
                               % should have Nmesh >= Nsample.
    Nsample          256       % sets the maximum k that the code uses,
                               % i.e. this effectively determines the
                               % Nyquist frequency that the code assumes,
                               % k_Nyquist = 2*PI/Box * Nsample/2
                               % Normally, one chooses Nsample such that 
                               % Ntot =  Nsample^3, where Ntot is the
                               % total number of particles
    Box              150000.0  % Periodic box size of simulation
    FileBase         ics256    % Base-filename of output files 
    OutputDir        ./ics256/ % Directory for output
    GlassFile        dummy_glass.dat  % File with unperturbed glass or
                                      % Cartesian grid
    TileFac          16               % Number of times the glass file is
                                      % tiled in each dimension (must be
                                      % an integer)  Nsample/TileFac=16 
    Omega            0.227       % Total matter density  (at z=0)
    OmegaLambda      0.728       % Cosmological constant (at z=0)
    OmegaBaryon      0.045       % Baryon density        (at z=0)
    HubbleParam      70.2        % Hubble paramater (may be used for power spec parameterization)
    Redshift         63          % Starting redshift
    Sigma8           0.807       % power spectrum normalization
    SphereMode       1         % if "1" only modes with |k| < k_Nyquist are
                               % used (i.e. a sphere in k-space), otherwise modes with
                               % |k_x|,|k_y|,|k_z| < k_Nyquist are used
                               % (i.e. a cube in k-space)
    WhichSpectrum    0         % "1" selects Eisenstein & Hu spectrum,
                               % "2" selects a tabulated power spectrum in
                               % the file 'FileWithInputSpectrum'
                               % otherwise, Efstathiou parametrization is used
    FileWithInputSpectrum   input_spectrum.txt  % filename of tabulated input
                                                % spectrum (if used)
    InputSpectrum_UnitLength_in_cm  3.085678e24 % defines length unit of tabulated
                                                % input spectrum in cm/h.
                                                % Note: This can be chosen different from UnitLength_in_cm
    ReNormalizeInputSpectrum   1                % if set to zero, the
                                                % tabulated spectrum is
                                                % assumed to be normalized
                                                % already in its amplitude to
                                                % the starting redshift,
                                                % otherwise this is recomputed
                                                % based on the specified sigma8
    ShapeGamma       0.21      % only needed for Efstathiou power spectrum
    PrimordialIndex  1.0       % may be used to tilt the primordial index,
                               % primordial spectrum is k^PrimordialIndex
    Seed             123456    %  seed for IC-generator
    NumFilesWrittenInParallel 16 % limits the number of files that are
                                % written in parallel when outputting
    UnitLength_in_cm          3.085678e21   % defines length unit of output (in cm/h)
    UnitMass_in_g             1.989e43      % defines mass unit of output (in g/cm)
    UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s  1e5           % defines velocity unit of output (in cm/sec)

    Note that the number of particles along one dimension divided by 'TileFac' should be 16 and the file 'dummy_glass.dat' which is provided with the code is only for 'little endian' (linux box). 'FileBase' parameter is used for the prefix for the output file which are written in the directory 'OutputDir'.

    On IUCAA Cray CX1 this code can be run as:

    /opt/platform_mpi/bin/mpirun  -np 32 -hostlist \
     "compute-00-00,compute-00-01,compute-00-02,compute-00-03,compute-00-04" ./N-GenIC   ics.param
    and on IUCAA Cetus:
    bsub -n32 -J N-GenIC  -o N-GenIC_%J.out -e N-GenIC_2%J.err \
    -ext "SLURM[nodes=4]" mpirun -srun ./N-GenIC  ics.param

  4. Running Gadget2
  5. Edit the Makefile according to your setting and give the full paths for the input and output files. My parameter file looks like :

    %  Relevant files
    InitCondFile       ../N-GenIC/ics256/ics256 % note the full path and prefix ! by jayanti
    OutputDir          output_256cube/
    EnergyFile         energy.txt
    InfoFile           info.txt
    TimingsFile        timings.txt
    CpuFile            cpu.txt
    RestartFile        restart
    SnapshotFileBase   snapshot
    OutputListFilename outputs_lcdm_gas.txt
    % CPU time -limit
    TimeLimitCPU      1440000  % = 400 hours
    ResubmitOn        0
    ResubmitCommand   my-scriptfile
    % Code options
    ICFormat                 1
    SnapFormat               1
    ComovingIntegrationOn    1
    TypeOfTimestepCriterion  0
    OutputListOn             1
    PeriodicBoundariesOn     1
    %  Caracteristics of run
    TimeBegin           0.015625  % z=63, Begin of the simulation
    TimeMax             8.0
    Omega0                0.227
    OmegaLambda           0.728
    OmegaBaryon           0.045
    HubbleParam           0.702
    BoxSize               150000.0 % kpc
     Output frequency
     TimeBetSnapshot        0.125
     TimeOfFirstSnapshot    0
     CpuTimeBetRestartFile     36000.0    ; here in seconds
     TimeBetStatistics         0.05
     NumFilesPerSnapshot       1
     NumFilesWrittenInParallel 1
     % Accuracy of time integration
     ErrTolIntAccuracy      0.025
     MaxRMSDisplacementFac  0.2
     CourantFac             0.15
     MaxSizeTimestep       0.03
     MinSizeTimestep       0.0
     % Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency
     ErrTolTheta            0.5
     TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1
     ErrTolForceAcc         0.005
     TreeDomainUpdateFrequency    0.1
     %  Further parameters of SPH
     DesNumNgb              33
     MaxNumNgbDeviation     2
     ArtBulkViscConst       0.8
    nitGasTemp            1000.0        % always ignored if set to 0
    MinGasTemp             50.0
    % Memory allocation
    PartAllocFactor       1.6
    TreeAllocFactor       1.4
    BufferSize            30          % in MByte
    % System of units
    UnitLength_in_cm         3.085678e21        ;  1.0 kpc
    UnitMass_in_g            1.989e43           ;  1.0e10 solar masses
    UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5                ;  1 km/sec
    GravityConstantInternal  0
    % Softening lengths
    MinGasHsmlFractional 0.25
    SofteningGas       0.0
    SofteningHalo      16.0
    SofteningDisk      0
    SofteningBulge     0
    SofteningStars     0
    SofteningBndry     0
    SofteningGasMaxPhys       0.0
    SofteningHaloMaxPhys      3.0
    SofteningDiskMaxPhys      0
    SofteningBulgeMaxPhys     0
    SofteningStarsMaxPhys     0
    SofteningBndryMaxPhys     0

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This document was last modified on 02/27/2017 10:11:05